The Irish Herbalist Clinic

Ciara Murphy has been in private practice since 2003. Having firstly trained as a Registered General Nurse in St Vincent’s University Hospital, she subsequently studied medical herbalism, vitalistic nutrition, and iridology for 4 years in the Irish School of Herbal Medicine under renowned herbalist, Helen Begadon.
Ciara is a qualified Colon Hydrotherapist and the clinic is the longest established colon hydrotherapy clinic in Dublin. All staff are registered nurses.
“It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has”
Hippocrates (460 – 370 BC )
The Irish Herbalist Clinic

Ciara Murphy has been in private practice since 2003. Having firstly trained as a Registered General Nurse in St Vincent’s University Hospital, she subsequently studied medical herbalism, vitalistic nutrition, and iridology for 4 years in the Irish School of Herbal Medicine under renowned herbalist, Helen Begadon.
Ciara is a qualified Colon Hydrotherapist and the clinic is the longest established colon hydrotherapy clinic in Dublin. All staff are registered nurses.
“It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has”.
Hippocrates (460 – 370 BC )
Colon Hydrotherapy
Colon Hydrotherapy is an internal bath of purified water that helps cleanse the large intestine. It facilitates the removal of stagnant faecal matter and subsequent proliferation of bacteria and their toxins, along with gas, mucus and cellular debris.


How to Cleanse, Nourish and Tone the Bowel
In this week's episode Ciara discusses the importance of a clean colon and gives tips on how to cleanse, nourish and tone the bowel.

In this episode the Irish Herbalist discusses tonsillitis. She offers herbal and dietary advice on what to do when they become infected and why we should avoid surgical removal.

Adrenal Fatigue
In this podcast Ciara Murphy, the Irish Herbalist, talks about adrenal fatigue, and what can be done to avoid developing the condition.

The Lymphatic System
In this podcast Ciara Murphy, the Irish Herbalist, explains how to keep your lymphatic system clean and moving efficiently.

Keeping the Liver Healthy
In this week's podcast medical herbalist Ciara Murphy discusses how we can keep the liver healthy and working efficiently.

Echinacea is one of the best herbs to stimulate and enhance your immune system. In this podcast Ciara, the Irish Herbalist, shares her knowledge of echinacea; how it works and when we should take it.