Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is regarded by the professional Master Herbalist as the purist and safest stimulant known. It opens up every tissue in the body to an increased flow of blood. Cayenne is well suited to all people but in particular to persons of feeble constitution with poor circulation and lacking in energy. The following is a list of some of its many uses.

Cayenne is a great food for the circulatory system. It cleans the veins, arteries and capillaries of the body and gives them elasticity.
It increases peripheral circulation and is therefore excellent for people with cold hands and feet.
It is a tonic ‘herb’ and thus has the ability to normalize blood pressure and cholesterol.
It breaks up mucus in all parts of the body.
It stimulates peristalsis in the intestines and aids assimilation and elimination.
Cayenne increases gastrointestinal secretion and can improve appetite.
It also rebuilds the tissue of the stomach and heals intestinal and stomach ulcers.
It is an iron-bearer.

Please note that cayenne is only therapeutic in its ‘raw’ uncooked form. This can be achieved by sprinkling it liberally on salads and on food that have been cooked. However the best way to take cayenne pepper is as follows:

Take 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper three times daily.
Start gradually with ¼ teaspoonful in a little cold water; drink this and follow with a glass of water. Add ¼ teaspoonful every three days until you are taking one teaspoon three times a day.
The graduated doses will accustom your system to the pungency of this herb. If you feel nauseated at any stage, you may be taking too much too soon, so reduce the dose for a few days and slowly increase again.

Contraindications; Do not take cayenne if you are also taking aspirin or warfarin.